But will it work for me?

Many of the people contacting us for psilocybin journeys are struggling with depression. They’ve often tried everything, including a variety of anti-depressants, talk therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, reading books, Electro-Convulsive Therapy, Light Therapy, exercise, diet… the lists are often quite long. When they contact Vital Reset, they want to know, “Will this work for me?”

And the answer is…

Research shows that 75% of people in research studies using a medium high dose (25 mg synthetic psilocybin) get meaningful relief from depression! But that means 25% do not get meaningful relief.

It’s important to keep this in mind. Three out of four people will get meaningful relief from depression. Their self-love and self-compassion will likely increase. The other one out of four will often feel even worse, even more hopeless, because psilocybin didn’t work. Some research has shown that a second psilocybin journey a week later can increase the percentage of people who get meaningful relief.

One of the things that interferes with getting good results is the use of SSRI antidepressants like fluoxetine, citalopram, sertraline, paroxetine, and escitalopram. The physicians our clients work with often ask the to taper off of these medicines.

We will keep reporting the results of studies using psilocybin for depression and a variety of other ills, like anorexia, PTSD, anxiety, alcoholism and drug abuse. And we’ll keep helping people with depression, because 75% of people getting meaningful relief is way better than any of the other options out there.


What Makes Oregon Psilocybin Services Safe?


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