Vital Reset is an Adventure!

With courage, creativity, and integrity, we steward psilocybin mushrooms for supported adult use. We are part of a psychedelic movement that is changing the world.

Heidi Venture and John Nelson, founders of Vital Reset

Our Mission

Supporting clients along their personal journey of healing and self discovery. Providing support with compassion, integrity, and safety to create memorable, life-changing experiences that will ensure long-lasting positive change. 

How Vital Reset Began

It all started when Heidi Venture found healing from a lifetime of Treatment Resistant Depression through the use of psilocybin mushrooms. She wondered if she could help people who were suffering with mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and PTSD find healing through psilocybin mushrooms.

She and her partner, John Nelson, considered being part of the psilocybin industry in Oregon. When the 2020 ballot measure passed, a big surprise to everyone, they began attending Oregon Health Authority’s public meetings to keep abreast of recommendations and rules. Heidi thought she might become a facilitator. In 2022, Heidi served on the Rules Advisory Committee for Service Centers. She trained to become a licensed facilitator at Synaptic Institute, preparing to begin practicing.

In addition, she experienced ketamine six times. Four experiences were at the Sequoia Center with Brian Hannah, to experience the medical model of psychedelic-assisted therapy. Two ketamine experiences were part of her training at Synaptic Institute. These experiences convinced her that good preparation is one of the keys to good results from psychedelics.

Heidi and John attended the first Hood River County Commissioners discussing limiting psilocybin in the county. They expected to meet the wonderful people who would be starting a service center in Hood River. No one else showed up!

Suddenly, they realized that no one in the county was planning to open a service center. Where would Heidi facilitate? They suddenly knew they would open a psilocybin service center. They participated in county and city  meetings, hoping to ensure that psilocybin would be legally available. The county instituted restrictions, but the city let the state law stand within city limits.

They searched for a suitable location for months, working with realtors, creating maps of every possible commercially zoned property that was over 1000 feet from a school. There weren’t many. They were looking for a sign.

In October 2022, they drove past the office  at 1020 Wasco Street and saw the sign. “FOR LEASE!” From March 2023 to June 2023, John and Heidi completely restored and renovated the office. On June 16, 2023, they were licensed by the Oregon Health Authority’s Psilocybin Licensing Team. In July 2023, they opened Vital Reset as the 4th legal psilocybin service center in the nation.

Since then, they’ve been working to attract, support and retain the best facilitators in the state. They’ve worked with other service centers to work out unanticipated problems. And they’ve helped dozens of clients find relief from depression, PTSD, and anxiety, and a lack of meaning in their lives.